Saturday, December 6, 2008


Day 90

We are finished....and in peak condition!!!!  Ninety days flew by faster than I could have imagined.  Todays final exercise was to pick a workout from the first 2 weeks....well, just to prove a point, I picked Day 1....haha....we've come a long, long way!  Also had my final pics with Patrick today.  Let's see how they come out.....I rarely like my pictures.  I chose to wear clothes from 10 years ago....pre-babies....loved that I could get right into them with no problem, and I felt great!  Tonight we're going to a house party with lots of yummy snacks and much to drink....and believe me....I will be indulging:)

A big thank you to Patrick, Chen, Corry, Jane, Maki and Jodi.  You all have been my support through the last 90 days!!!  It was tough at times to keep to the diet or find the time for exercises, but we did it.....and it was so worth it. 

I feel really great inside with eating healthy and also feel great about how I look on the outside.  I've never been into the "numbers" side of it, but the scale with all it's calculations kept going in the "right" directions.....ofcourse it all shows in how my clothes are fitting.  And more importantly I feel stronger and leaner.  I would recommend this program to everyone who has the determination to follow it through.  My countdown from 10 to 1 talked about what I liked and what I didn't like, and the reason for that was I wanted to show that it isn't easy....but like I tell my kids....good things don't come easy, you have to work for them, and if something is too easy, it may not be worth it. 

At this point, I feel as though I'm in prime position to keep at a certain level of exercise.....and I'm also eating in a much healthier way and I don't see why I can't continue that. Now that I know how to do it,  I plan on keeping the best I can to maintain this peak condition....infact, I would like to continue on with what I can on the program to get even closer to what I consider my true peak condition.  It's very personal with each of us, right?  SO.....good luck to you all with reaching your own personal goals:)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Countdown thoughts #2 - Cheating

Day 89

This is it....the day before the last day! Last day of exercises in our a killer workout! I had to stop in the middle to take care of the baby, but was able to finish of before bed.

This project has been long, well, now that it's just about over it seems as though the 90 days went super fast. I wanted to talk about know, going off the diet or not getting to all the exercises on days. Although I know it's all our itent is to not let it happen, but there are times when it's unavoidable especially when lives get busy and the family has needs. Very rarely did I need to eat a meal which I shouldn't have or take a bite of an unapproved item. It was hard at times, but not impossible. The good news it that I always felt a mountain of guilt and then bounced back on track. With the exercises, I missed a couple of days when I was sick, and then once or twice didn't get to complete all the sets due to short of time, but otherwise nothing was ever!

So, yes, you can cheat and eat the wrong foods and skip the exercises, but is it really worth it? Are you getting away with're just cheating yourself! Not worth the guilt and, hey, 90 days is only 3 months.....

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Countdown thoughts - #3 - INDULGENCE TIME!

Day 88

Today was so lost with Jodi trying to drive to Kawasaki....and then not so kids didn't get the message they were supposed to go home with Jodi's son and I didn't know where they were for a while.  Luckily it all worked out and we're all safe and sound.  My hubby has been staying in Tokyo this week for a conference and was supposed to come home tomorrow...well, he surprised us and came home tonight.  I love when that happens.

So, no, it's not indulgence time - YET - but I wanted to talk about how important I thought those days were for the program.  We were given the green light at 25, 50 and 75 days.  I tried to vary my indulgences.  First a sweet one, then a fatty one and last a salty one.  With each one, I felt rewarded for my efforts and it helped me to go on.  It was hard picking, and although I picked a certain item each time, I noticed that the salty was definitely most satisfying for me (it was also super spicy, and I love that).  The fatty was alright, but made me feel really guilty.  The sweet just made me feel sick.  Great to know how my peak condition body really reacts to different indulgences!

The only negative about indulging was picking my item to indulge in!  I always wanted to pick the perfect thing.  Not such a bad problem....and with each indulgence, I got quicker at picking...probably because I was so in need of one.  Can't wait for my first post-PCP indulgence - 90 days in.....I know I deserve it!

Only 2 more days to go.....

Countdown thoughts - #4 - jump, jump, jump

Day 87

Ok....before I talk about jumping, let me tell you about shoulder was a killer!  We had 4 different exercises with 5 sets each....haven't we been doing these for 3 months? shouldn't they be easy by now?  I guess not - just happy to make it through them  (well, kind of - had to leave off the last exercise - major failure :)

And this leads into my next thought....about jumping.  I never thought that jump ropes were for adults!  I remember sometime in elementary school when we did "jump rope for heart" and we got pledges for the amount of jumps we completed.  I can't remember how many I did, but I sure know it wasn't anywhere near the average 2000 I do these days!  And to think we started with just 250 a day.  I have come to like it, and honestly a day without jumping in the morning changes's been very effective in getting me into shape and a great cardio that I can do in my home at any time.  Love it! 

Oh yeah, do you remember the song "Jump" by Van much fun in the bus during elementary school field trips....although I know he didn't mean with a rope :)

The only part that was hard for me was jumping at night if I didn't get to in the morning.  So, lesson learned....wake up early to jump (sounds easier than it is since I'm defnitely NOT a morning person!).

Only 3 more days to go!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Countdown thoughts - #5 - eggs, your best friend

Day 86

I should have counted the number of egg whites I've eaten while on PCP!!  Yes, it's true that eggs whites are really important for getting into peak condition.  At one point of the program, I was up to 4 eggs a day.  Lucky for me I really liked eggs going into the program!  And I'm glad I still like them coming out of it......

The frustrating part about eggs for me was not not finding them, eating them or liking was just such a pain to peel them!!!  I got into boiling about a dozen eggs every few days, and just cringed when it came to peeling.  Luckily I had some good days which made up for the bad, and I did come to the conclusion that Costco eggs always went better for me. 

OH....and I am looking forward to my next favorite preparation of eggs.....eggs benedict....preferably served to me in a 5 star hotel while sitting in bed wearing a plush robe and watching a good movie :) 

Only 4 more days to go.....

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Countdown thoughts - #6 - consistency

Day 85

Monday morning workout......sorry about the baby being there this morning! Needless to say I wasn't ready for December....and therefore very amazed when the nanny didn't show up! I can't believe time went this fast since we began the PCP.

It's been really important to be consistent while on PCP.....what I mean is that you really need to do all the exercises every day to be effective...and I also think the same time of the day everyday is important too. I found that it was easiest for me to do them all in the morning so that I was done for the day. And the days I didn't do that, I felt out of sorts with myself and felt soooooo much guilt all day that I just kept thinking about it.

Winter....warm beds....dark mornings.....everybody had a hard time waking up early since winter began. This made it hard for me to get myself out of bed as well. I have to admit there were a couple of extremely lazy Saturday and Sunday's where I left the exercises for later and on rare occasion never got to them. It made it so much harder for the next day....and I could tell my energy levels were lower too. Not a good feeling.

Only 5 more days to go......

Countdown thoughts - #7 - eat snacks!!

Day 84

It's Sunday and another PCP coming to an end.  Looking forward to Monday morning workout.....wondering what the last week is going to be like!

In the past weeks I've learned that skipping meals is a no-no....healthy eating consists of 6 meals a day.  Really great concept....keeps the body happy and you're never starving for the next meal.  And having to have fruit snacks was great!!!!  Kept me away from the "usual" snacking that comes out of a bag!

The bad part of this is that if you're a busy mommy then you really have to plan....not only the baby's meals, but your own as well.  There were times when I forgot to have a snack ready and those were the days I just couldn't wait for the next meal.  What I really missed at these times was the ability to eat cheese.  Always easy and relatively nutritious for babies....too much fat for mommy's!  I can't believe I've had hardly (little cheating there....few bites every now and then) had any cheese for 12 weeks!!!!!!  And I LOVE cheese.....ahhhh....and the wine that goes with!!!  

Only 6 more days to go!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Countdown thoughts - #8 - cardio and strength

Day 83

I learned that it was important to combine diet and exercise to be in peak condition...and that within exercising, it was also important to combine cardio and strength and that one without the other won't be effective.

Finding time to exercise and hour a day was hard at times.....splitting up the exercises worked, but until they were all done it was always on my mind. Luckily I was able to wake up early most mornings and be done before the rest of the family "needed" me.

Only 7 more days to go....

Countdown thoughts - #9 - prescribed diets

Day 82

I really liked that we were changing our diets....weighing food was great to learn about amounts. Cutting out salt, sugar and fat was tough....but totally do-able and a fun (ha ha) challenge!

I didn't like that I wasn't able to go out to eat as much as I was used to....especially when my dinner meal was an egg white, apple, banana and glass of milk. It was a bit hard to do with 4 hungry boys to feed....dinners still had to be made, I just couldn't eat them!

Only 8 more days to go!

Countdown thoughts - #10 - group fun!

Day 81

We have 10 more days to go....that means 10 more blogs. I started off thinking I was going to hate this part, but it hasn't been too bad. I've tried to write something every day....I'm not very good with writing "whenever". So, as we go into the last 10 days, I'd like to list 10 positives and their 10 negatives (what I liked and what I didn't like) for me while going through the PCP.

I liked that we were going into this project as a group with great ladies and with a great mentor - Corry!!! It was also nice to meet Patrick and Chen in person....I know I couldn't have completed the project on my own.

I just didn't like that it was going to have to be blogged....and talked about so much in the community (well, that was at first, then I do think it faded). But I"m a very private person, so pictures/blogging/discussing is not my thing.

9 more days to go......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gambate ladies!

Day 80

Well.....only 10 more days to go with PCP. I can't believe we're 80 days in! I'm hoping for my body to kick in and make big changes these next days.....I'm sticking to the plan....and I feel like the finish line is near! I'm only starting to feel a bit nervous because I don't think I'll be at my real target in the 10 days. I never expected to reach it in 90 days either, but I do know that I've come a long way and learned so much.....PCP is like a jumpstart for me. I've always been up and down with fitness....but right now I'm on a huge up and I just want to stay there for a while even past the 90 days to get to where I really want to be. But for now........

Gambate ladies!

Busy day....falling off track.....

Day 79

The handicraft sale was great!!!  Standing room only in the a.m......lots of sales and fun conversation.  And then my helper here to clean up everything and now it doesn't even look like I had hundreds of people in my home!

Only problem was that with the hundreds of people here in the morning, I forgot my morning snack and then my lunch was a bit sketchy.....also snuck in a small glass of wine....back on track by dinner and now I need to go jump....hope my legs don't give out since I've been standing all day long!

Maki.....cute haircut!!!  Your mom is do look like a schoolgirl now :)
Jane......thanks for your box purchase!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Can't believe it!

Day 78

First of all I want to apologize to the ladies....and Patrick...for not making it to Monday workout. No babysitter today. Maki - thanks so much for getting all the info to me. I really appreciate it!

So, I'm having a big Kokeshi Doll/Handicraft Sale at my home with a bunch of other ladies, and I suggested everyone bring one or two dishes to share with the guests and each other through out the day. I was racking my head on what to make, and decided to go with something I've come to appreciate......eggs!!!...I decided to make a tray of deviled eggs. I bought 4 trays of 10 eggs each just to be sure I had enough.'s what happened. The first 10 were a mess and I couldn't peel them at all even with the baking soda in the water. Trash. The second 10 were a mess and I couldn't peel them at all even with the salt in the water. Trash. The third 10 were a mess and I couldn't peel them at all even with the baking soda AND salt in the water. Trash. The fourth 10 I'm keeping for the kids and my meals tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm not making deviled eggs! I'm going with a spinach dip instead. I just can't believe that I've been working with eggs for the past 77 days and today was the day it all failed!!!! Oh well. Back to the drawing board tomorrow :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Asprin please!

Day 77

What a beautiful day today! Unfortunately I woke up with a headache (lack of sleep!) and then took a 3 hour nap when the baby napped....great except that I'm not good waking up after naps....feel so groggy and can never really snap out of it. I did spend the afternoon after the nap out on the street with the baby - he just loves the outdoors. Especially sidewalk chalk.....we were both covered by the end. The only problem is that my headache is still here.....going to take an asprin and will try to get to bed earlier to start a new week. Looking forward to kids in school tomorrow and hubby home.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Spicy indulgence

Day 76

My first indulgence was sweet and my second was salty. When I think back, I really had enjoyed them both and they were a nice break from the hard and fast rules of PCP. Well, today I went for my third and final indulgence.....a very spicy Thai meal and a cold beer! WOW.....what a great feeling to eat my favorite cuisine and enjoy all the dishes....whether they are loaded with sugar, fat or salt. I have to say that I really enjoyed the meal and actually don't feel sickened or bloated. Although there was an open ticket to eat (well, kind of, in respect to what we've been eating on PCP)....I didn't over-indulge. I took just a good amount to satisfy my tastebuds and get a warm feeling all over my body. The beer was yummy....Singha from Thailand. I drank it slow and enjoyed it.....I usually get it when I'm eating spicy makes it all seem even spicier! I have to say, this was the best indulgence for me.....and I now feel I can go into the next 15 days with satisfaction :)

Oh....we also bar-hopped and I didn't drink anything but water....yes, I was designated driver for the night and had lots of fun driving (legally!) three drunk adults home from Yokosuka....yes, I'm exhausted and thinking I'm only going to have 5 hours of sleep.....GOODNIGHT!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Day 75

OOOOHHHHH.....our next indulgence and I'm also assuming our last.....1000 calories of mind is working on a plan....will let you know how it goes!


Day 74

Well.....I made my last trip to Futamatagawa today....and came back home with my driver's license! FINALLY!!

The afternoon started at 12 noon when I left from home and ended at 5:30 when I got back home. The process was slow....a lot of waiting between steps. At about 3pm, they told us whether we passed or failed and those of us who passed (only 2 out of 5) had to come back at 4pm to finish paperwork. I thought we'd just sit there and wait, but my hubby suggested we go back to the car and wait there. In the car, he took off his shoes, put the seat all the way down and got set up for a nap. He told me to do the same. I tried, but just couldn't get to a point of real relaxation. He was snoring away (not really, but he was definitely asleep) and I was still trying to relax my mind and my body. The driver's test was done, but I just couldn't get over thinking about the kids, the house, the evening, the weekend, next week, etc.. I'm not very good at just napping whereever. On the other hand, my hubby has no problem with it. I am very aware of who is around me too. Sitting in the car in a parking lot is not comfortable for me! But I'm very envious of those who can get to a point of relaxation so cars, waiting rooms, on the sofa with kids in the room. My dad is like that too. Oh, I it actually a "guy" thing?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Great gimmick!

Day 73

I went to IKEA today.....what a crowd there! Everyone was lining up to buy these "itty bitty" XMAS trees for 1990 yen. It was the first day they were available. I couldn't believe the rush....but then I ran into a Japanese friend, Yuko, and she explained that if you buy the tree....and then bring it back after Chirstmas, IKEA will give you 1990 yen in store credit. WOW....what a gimmick to get people in today and then back again in the new year! It's no wonder that IKEA is doing so well and opening up stores left and right! I mean, hey, we spent a few hours well as a couple of 10000 notes each....but....NO....I didn't buy the tree just to have to bring it back to get a store voucher!!!!!

BTW.....Maki....tried to call you from there....I got the apple slicer for you....hope you still wanted it......

Done jumping while the kids were eating I better go finish up.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Retiring my clothes!

Day 72

Retired another pair of jeans today......fells great and sad! Great because I know my body is changing in the right directions....but sad because I'm starting to lose my favorites!!! I probably own about 15 pairs of jeans....YES...I LOVE my jeans!!!....and have already put 5 aside. Don't think I'll donate them off just yet....not that I want to fit into them again! It's just that I do "pack rat" a bit. (which means I have some jeans from before the baby that I can now fit into!!! Exciting!!!) But actually more than the jeans, I am also losing shirts and tops....only bummed to lose the ones I just bought this summer. All that money.....what a waste! Wish I knew I was going to be PCP'ing while I was in the US! more's all GOOD!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I thought I'd be happier....

Day 71

New diets today....I'm back to regular food for dinner with the carbs/meat/veg/egg white combo. I really thought I'd be happier about it, but I noticed that it takes a lot more thinking and cooking when you have to make that meal.....very different from the egg/apple/banana/milk. I have to admit I'm feeling a bit sick right now from eating dinner. I think that an ideal for me would be eating the egg/apple/banana/milk combo most nights and then the carb/meat/veg/egg white only on nights when I crave it....Patick, any thougts from you or Chen on that????

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Only 20 more days to go.....

Day 70

I can't believe there are only 20 more days to go.....I celebrated the last 70 days by sleeping in this's almost 8:30 am and I just woke up (gave the baby a bottle of milk at 6am while in bed.....kept him snoozing for a while more).

I'm going to go give the kids breakfast, do my jumps and then enjoy the rainy day with the family. No more computer for me today. BYE!

Animals exercising before bed?!?!

Day 69

I was at the club library reading a Sara Boynton book to was about getting ready for bed.  You know, change into PJ's, brush your teeth....and exercise!  I couldn't believe had pics of the animals exercising before bed....I have never seen that in a children's book before.  It looked so familiar to life on PCP.  Ofcourse my eye went straight to the elephant jumping rope:).  Her books are always really cute!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Harajuku girls....gotta love 'em

Day 68

I went into Tokyo for a hair appointment Harajuku.  I love getting out of Yokohama and into Tokyo....(I'm definitely a city girl at heart and miss big city life)....and there's no where like Harajuku.  Makes me think of being back in California and listening to the songs about the Harajuku girls (especially the one by Gwen Stefani) ....well, now I can actually witness the fun!  I love their uniqueness and funkiness!  
So I went for a haircut at Watanabe Hair going there and getting pampered.  The head massage alone was amazing....we don't get those back in the US for just a haircut!  And I love talking to Aki (owner/3rd generation hair stylist) and hearing all about his life while he snips away.  A friend was with me and we had lunch at Fujimama's on Omotesando.....I was very careful - went for the Fuji Sushi Roll (I can't remember the exact name).....I think it was mostly ok, except for maybe the salt content.   Will have to flush out with water, water and more water!

Glad to have a weekend....looking forward to family time :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Green bagel and egg

Day 67

I know it's supposed to be "green eggs and ham" but the plural of eggs is all wrong and ham is a I had a very yummy 1/2 green bagel for breakfast with my egg....why was it green?  SPINACH!  (counted this as carbs....not veggies!) I don't usually grocery shop too much as Union, but whenever I'm down at Motomachi, I do stop in to see what's new.  And this week I found spinach bagels.  Always exciting to find something "like home" in Japan.

On another note, I've been really busy trying to get back on track after being sick for a few days.  Harder than I thought.....I think that after working out as I have been for the first 63 days, and then not being able to be at full potential for 3 days, it seemed much harder to get back to it today.  But glad to say I made it through all the exercises.....but OMG...those shoulder exercises were sooooo tough.....I can't believe it...... 5 sets !?!?!?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In my jeans

Day 66

I'm feeling much better today....back to life and PCP. I feel so guilty about letting the last two days go, but I guess that's life. I jumped this morning (not as many as usual, but I was still a bit low on energy) and did what I could of the exercises just now (it's 10:40pm). I felt really silly doing them today because I was still in my "street clothes" which I wore today. I didn't want to go get my workout clothes on because the baby is sleeping in my room and I didn't want to take a chance and wake him up (yesterday was a nightmare with him up and awake at 11pm!). So, yes, I did the unimaginable and worked out in a pair of jeans! I seriously can't stand it when people do that at the gym. Or I should say....atleast it's something I would never be caught doing. I did make sure my windows were all closed so no one saw me.....believe pre-PCP life, I would have just skipped the exercises....but not anymore!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Up late with the baby

Day 65

Still not feeling too well. Couldn't keep much food down today. Did some jumps, couldn't get to anything else due to lack of energy. I took a day time nap today - something I rarely do. The baby might be getting it from me - he's being cranky, it's 11pm and he's still up. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monday morning and the flu

Day 64

Monday morning....always hard to get going after the weekend. I had a hard time getting the boys up and out of bed....I slept in until 7:30 today....seems I have the flu. I've had a sore throat all weekend, and was chilly last night....I guess all leading up to this morning where I have a fever and my body aches (not from exercises, unfortunately). Took some tylenol and drank some tea.

I missed our Monday morning workout...sorry ladies...and I had planned to nap while Jaiden napped, but then looked at the long list of stuff I have to get done and decided to use my time wisely since I'm at home in my sweats (which are now pretty loose on me!). I'm planning on getting the workout done at some point...missed the jumps yesterday for the first time...what a guilty feeling! I will take it easy though....instructions from my mom....and mommy always knows best! I didn't really believe that until I became "mommy". But it's true!

Winter weather - cold dinner!

Day 63

Well, it's really becoming cold outside! I'm from California, so, yes, to me it is getting wintery. I do love wearing the sweaters and boots, but I don't like the process of getting little ones dressed in all the layers - I think they kind of hate it. Oh well, we had a great day watching Rohan play in BFAT's Interliga in Tokyo. Saw Tokyo International School for the first time. Going out there makes me feel like we could have lived in Tokyo....but then I wouldn't be PCP'ing!!

Floor heats on, got my "toe socks" on, cuddled in a blanket.....guess what's wrong with this picture???? I'm eating cold egg white, cold apple and drinking a glass of cold milk. I've gotta find a way to warm up my dinners for the winter! I don't have the luxury to boil my eggs just before I eat them, I don't like warm milk and I'm not sure how to warm apple! Maybe I'll stick the entire thing in the microwave tomorrow (although I hate using the microwave)....or I'll just deal with it. No pain, no gain.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Arsenal 2 - Man U. 1 .... yeah!

Day 62

Just finished watching the Arsenal - Manchester United game with my hubby and 9 year old....we are strong supporters of Arsenal and they won 2-1! The boys are happy :)

Unfortunately Jaiden woke up an hour ago....he was in our bed and he just kept coughing and then started throwing up. Luckily I saved the bed sheets...but he got me good. So gross!!! My hubby and I were out earlier this evening visiting a friend who opened up a new bar, and sometimes I think our nanny feeds him way too much. Oh well.....he's feeling great now, but still up and it's midnight. I better get him into bed because he's starting to bang on the drum set and I don't want to wake up the neighborhood!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Non-stop day

Day 61

I had a really long day today! Woke up early at 6:30am, worked out, fed the kids, left home at 8am and got them to school. Paid Deven's canteen account and walked over to a friends house in Chinatown. We took the train to Ochanomizu to buy washii paper for the tea boxes. Forgot to bring a morning snack. Took a cab to Asakusabashi to buy more paper. Got on the train to head for lunch, but decided to stop in Kamata to check out yet another washii shop to buy even more paper. Took a taxi to Kawasaki (didn't know it until I got home, but left my cell phone in the taxi....he YCAC helped me talk to the cabby and he will mail it to me...only in Japan! the US, it would have been charged up by now, never to be seen again by me!) and had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen (Asian salad....mostly ok for PCP....just a bit of peanut dressing). Shopped at GAP (bought a couple of sweater-shawl things for myself...couldn't decide on black or brown, so bought them both!) and then got back on the train to go home. Got off at Ishikawacho (couldn't find my train ticket.....ooops....the train guy made me pay another 130 yen and I was let out) and walked up the hill, arriving home at 4pm. Fed the kids snacks (had my already-cut-up grapefruit and a small glass of milk) and got back in the car to go to YCAC for soccer. Spent from 5pm until 7:30pm walking around after Jaiden....he's so active! Ordered Jaiden's dinner, ordered Deven's dinner and chatted with friends. Sent Deven off to a sleepover, came home at 8pm, gave Rohan dinner, fed Romeo (our dog), gave Jaiden a bottle and went to put him to bed. Fell asleep on the bed with him and woke up at 9:30pm (!). Came downstairs, gave hubby dinner, did the dishes and finally ate my dinner. Just came back up at 10pm to check e-mails and write my blog......what a busy day! I'm exhausted and in need of lots of sleep......zzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Day 60

Well, we've reached the 2/3rds mark.....60 days of PCP completed! Sometimes it feels as though we just started yesterday and sometimes it feels like we've been doing this forever.....either way I'm glad to see the changes in my body and mind...waiting anxiously to see where the next 30 days take me. I'm going to push really hard this next month - I want to make it count big time!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

paperwork & written test: PASS

Day 59

Feeling great today.....spent another 4 hours at Futamatagawa (Japanese DMV) and came out smiling.....finally passed the paperwork nightmare.....and then also passed the written test!!! Needless to say, I'm not totally celebrating until I've passed the driving test....I've heard horror stories.....

Not expecting to spend so much time there, I didn't pack myself an afternoon snack.  I ended up sharing part of Jaiden's banana and some of his raisins.  (he had so much fun there....everyone was so friendly to him and he just kept smiling at all the ladies!).  Not a big deal I hope, as the rest of the day has been right on track.  I'm done with the sugar craving for now....feel like I OD'd a bit yesterday with the marshmellows and also ended up having a handful of m'n'm's before I went to sleep.  Definitely going to be more careful going forward.....tomorrow is Day 60!!!  Will be trekking to Costco in the a.m......let's see what I'll come home with!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Marshmellows and Coke ZERO......

Day 58

I was out at Machida market today.  Fun time chatting with the ladies and checking out the junk. Bought some of man's junk is another man's treasure....or something like that.  I already don't like an item I bought today....oh well....maybe I'll try and sell it off at the next rummage sale!

I cheated a bit today.  Bought marshmellows for the kids.....with the intent on making rice krispies treats, but when I got home, the boys opened them up just to eat and I ate a few (4 to be exact).  Don't know what got into me.  Feeling really guilty now.  I just needed to have some sugar.  I heard today that the Coke Zero (the black labeled one) supposedly has stuff in it to make people crave sugar.  I had some after lunch.  Could that be the culprit of my craving for the marshmellows?  I need to do some research on that.  I'm still bummed that Coke Light is so darn hard to find here.  Maybe I'll go to OK market and have them order me a case (it's the only place I see it sometimes) - not that I'm drinking a lot, it's just not always on the shelves.  You know, hunting and's how we shop in Japan!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Milk from a baby's bottle

Day 57

I've always liked drinking milk. My kids really like it too.....hoping for all of us to have strong bones! On the PCP, many of my meals and snacks call for milk or yogurt, and I mostly go for milk just because it's easier and quicker. And will all the different ml levels and the 4 times of the day I'm supposed to drink, I find it quickest and easiest to measure the amount into the baby's bottles....and we have plenty of little ones just perfect to get the amounts I need. So although I'm getting ready to weane him from the bottle, looks like I'm back on for now! (Oh, one big difference....I'm not putting the nipple on....I'm just pouring in and drinking directly from the bottle....haven't reverted back to that extent :)).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jumping machine

Day 56

I amazed myself this morning. I started off jumping, and actually did 385 jumps before tripping, the baby coming in, having to use the restroom, having my ponytail tangle in the rope or banging into the door. That is my best ever!!!! I'm not sure what happened....but I couldn't repeat it again, (I was going for more...and I did get close). I didn't look at the time either, I was just so excited that I kept on going and when I did trip, I looked at the counter....and WOW! This is going to have to be my 8 week that I'm a jumping machine :)

The street

Day 55

We had a great relaxing Saturday (I worked out at 6am, so my "to-do" for the day was done early). Didn't even leave the hill. Infact, most of it was spent on our street. We are fortunate to live on a dead-ended street, so the boys can play with not many cars. The older boys played soccer, skateboarded and hung around. Jaiden was mobbed by all the little girls and they followed him around, sang songs with him and brought out the sidewalk chalk. Our dog, Romeo, met other doggies on the street and enjoyed running around all the kids. The weather was perfect! We ordered pizza for the boys...and....yes, I had my PCP egg/apple/milk dinner. Looking forward to another relaxing day tomorrow before the kids go back to school on Monday....

Friday, October 31, 2008


Day 54

Halloween. I've always loved this day. I still love this day. Right from the costumes to the the CANDY! Well, Japan is lacking in all of the above for me. I had had an opportunity to take the kids to Negishi base to trick or treat like last year - beautiful decorations....lots of kids dressed up....lots of homes to visit....and lots of yummy candy!!! But....I said "no" this year. I just couldn't bring myself to that level of temptation.....and my weakness - recess peanut butter cups! (I spent the summer in the US - bought them whenever and whereever I saw know, with the excuse that I can't usually get them in Japan - what a body disaster!) We would have gotten plenty of them at, I just stayed away (and now I owe my son, Deven, a trip to the base to pick whatever candies he wants!).

So, as I managed to be so healthy with Halloween candy, I feel as though I lost it with cigarette smoke today.....NO! not me, but those around me. I spent a few hours at Benny's with a friend visiting from Thailand - just enough time to make me sick of all the disgusting smoking around me - I actually left my hubby with the guys and came home - couldn't take it anymore. Wish I were back in Cali where smoking isn't allowed in bars! Oh well....better take a shower before I crawl into bed with the hair smells awful!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just not into it today

Day 53

I'm not sure what's happening, but suddenly I'm not feeling too many more changes in my body or in my clothes. Feels dissapointing......I thought this is when all the "big" changes would happen. I'm also not feeling like eating much of anything, although I am trying to get my meals down. I must be in some kind of rut with the food. Also, this is a tough week with the kids out of school.....kind of throws off my usual routine of waking up early and feeling rushed to get exercises done before they go off to school....or even before they come back at 3pm. I'm leaving it until evening and then feeling a bit exhausted from the day. OH, I just realized.....I'm also without car this week.....and today was a tough day with taxi trips all over town with the baby too.....I think I spent about $50 on taxi's today!!!! Looking forward to tomorrow and a new day......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kung FU!

Day 52

Kung FU say what.....ha ha....this exercise seems impossible to me! Is this another one where we start off with a helper? I hope so. Still find it challenging to get to a bar on these pull-up/kung fu days.....don't worry, I'm finding an alternate exercise to work those muscles :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

beautiful weather!

Day 51

The weather is beautiful!.....I finished jumping in the early morning, the boys were at the YCAC tennis camp, I did my workout in the gym, the breezeway restaurant got me the multigrain bread to take home and they had the perfect morning snack......fruits and yogurt. I had a great morning with the boys. Just got out of the shower and now looking forward to the rest of the day. I think we'll take a walk down to Motomachi to do some shopping.

Indulgence two: cheeze pleeze!

Day 50

Yes! Another 10 days complete. Feeling good about being at this point in the program. Curious to see where the next 40 days will take me.

Back from Shimoda this evening....back to reality! was time for another indulgence! I was so excited....but I really didn''t want to think about it much....I knew exactly what I wanted....not sweet this time, but salty. It was a "Welsh Rabbit (or Rarebit)". It's a name my father picked up when he lived in London for a toast topped with a fresh tomato slices and shredded cheddar cheese, (I also added cilantro and red chillies) and then broiled until it melts (mostly, I was really craving the cheese). It was really yummy, but I don't want to think about the salt and fat I took in my system...also, I'm feeling a bit too full and so I'm still downing glasses of water to shake this bloated feeling....

My day in Shimoda

Day 49 that I'm in the midst of PCP, going away for the day is so much thinking and preparation....even more than the baby! I took along 12 boiled eggs - enough for the 2 days plus some for the kids/hubby. And loaded up the bag with lots of fruits and veggies....very different from the usual cookies and crackers. OH - finished the jumps in the a.m. - loved the change in jumps, but I do need to get a timer.....totally annoying to watch the oven clock while jumping!

Food went allright, except we stayed in a ryokan and dinner was a full fancy Japanese seafood spread. Good news....I don't really like Japanese food and seafood in particular, so not much of a temptation. Bad news....I didn't follow my PCP dinner diet (the boiled egg looked so sad in front of the beautiful presentation in front of me!). I didn't do too bad though, I ate some sashimi, some cooked fish and a bunch of veggies. Those were tasty!

My first time in an many rituals and processes to follow! Totally relaxing....but I had Jaiden (older boys with Daddy in the men's) with me so I couldn't relax to full potential - luckily they had a baby tub and some toys for him because the onsen water was too hot. There were 3 tubs....the ones outside were on a cliff and beautiful, but I couldn't go out there because the baby would be too cold. It was nice....but my first time and a bit odd being nude. In my mind I know I'm not "there yet" on PCP to be walking around in public without clothes (don't know if I'd ever be comfortable with that)....but hey, with a bunch of women I don't problem. It was nice, and definitely an experience.

No computer.....not much civilization....the countryside....the hubby and my sons....I was in heaven.

Out for a movie

Day 48

It's Saturday night hardest day of the week by far on PCP. It's the night I just want to to indulge! Went out with my hubby to see a movie - great option for not eating and drinking the night away (well, I did have a little bit of popcorn....couldn't resist the smell!). Loved hanging around World Porters.....I love watching the hip-chicks and hip-boyfriends all dressed up. Would love to imitate - just don't think it would be quite the same at my age:)

Friday, October 24, 2008

can you say Futamatagawa?!?!?

Day 47

So, my hubby and I went out to Futamatagawa today.....AKA the drivers license place. It' my 3rd time and my paperwork still isn't exactly what they are looking for. Can you believe it?!?!? That place is a paperwork nightmare and so frustrating. I was told to come back after TWO HOURS of waiting! I just wish the US has concessions like other countries....but "no"....we have to go through the entire process of testing. All this after we have our armed forces and military bases stationed here. And they really don't make it easy. I'm hoping for a quick return and hopefully the green light. This process is driving me to drink (no pun intended) but I wouldn't, ofcourse....not while on the PCP!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Learning so much!

Day 46

I usually get up at around 6:30 am when the baby stirs. Sometimes it's earlier, more like 6am. So the first thing I do is check my PCP e-mail. Mostly the day's thought is there, sometimes not and then I try to remember to get back to it later in the day. I'm really enjoying all the information Patrick is sending our way. I'm learning so much about how the body works, how exercising works, how food works, how eating works and most much work I need to keep doing to get my body to work the way I want it to. Thanks for all of this great information! I already find myself quoting this info to others. I'm thinking of printing all the e-mails out and putting them into my exercise/diet book......what a great memory of this project.

Oh yeah.....I'm also learning about cooking! Patrick....thanks for the tip on the baking soda in boiling the shells fell off just by touch....amazing!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halfway up this hill!

DAY 45!!!!!

Well....I had been waiting for this day. I love halfway know....until you remember you still have another half to go! I actually can't believe that it's already been 45 days. Seems like just yesterday we met Patrick in that cafe and had to make a quick decision based on very little information on whether we were "in" or "out". Glad to say I went with "in" (no peer pressure....just seemed like fun!) and I feel great right now. I don't know if there is other time in my life that I had thought about something every day....well, being pregnant the three times were probably the only other times but even then there were days you kind of forgot. No forgetting here.

I'm really amazed by myself and my fellow "Hama Mama's". I just think we have so much against us going through this and their meals and snacks.....hubby's who are mostly gone and when they are here they want to party (AKA drink and eat)....and the social scene here for us ex-pat wives (coffee mornings, lunch dates, girls nights outs, hanging at the club). So although I think we are swimming against the tide....thanks Corry for coaching.....I know we are feeling and looking better! Can't wait to see what the next 45 days will bring. We're just halfway up this hill.....

(ok, so I seriously thought there should have been an indulgence at this point....sort of a celebration....but with none, it feels a bit anticlimactic....PCP flaw?!?!? Just kidding Patrick, I'm sure you have your reasons :))

Hurting so good

Day 44

Maki - so much fun to go Costco shopping with you and Sarah was fun going through the foods, reading sugar and salt content....and chatting....thanks again!

Yes....this is definitely leg week....right now I can barely move! I knew I'd feel it more today, but yesterday's workout did me in. I did feel a bit better during the day and while doing todays leg work, but now I'm in so much pain! I can't even carry Jaiden up the stairs!! I guess I feel it everywhere - chest, back, and legs. As I's hurting so good. Glad to think I must be doing these exercises right! I also think that I feel this way a lot on Mondays, after the "break" of no exercises on Sundays (except jumprope, totally different from the rest of them) . Well, I'm going to take a couple of Motrin and try to get this body to relax. We'll talk tomorrow....ooooohhhhh.... it will be day 45....halfway there!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Peeling Eggs

Day 43

Does anyone have tips on how to peel boiled eggs? I ended up throwing away 4 eggs because by the time I was done with egg "white" left!! I've tried the salt - works sometimes, but mostly not. I need a fool-proof method. I am so tired of eating crunchy eggs! Especially when I'm having 4 a day. Tonight for dinner I just gave up and made a yummy 2 egg white omelete with cilantro and chillies...and then had to cut it in half to split between dinner and snack. I am happy with my food amounts. Still more than I'm used to eating, but manageable.

Seeing as it's "leg week" this week, I'm predicting that the babies toys are going to be all over the place....I can't imagine picking them everytime he empties his toy hurts to bend! You know, that "good hurt". Looking forward to the morning....when I'm really going to feel it. Good night!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I got jinxed!

Day 42

6 weeks....1 1/2!!

So guess what....I think I got jinxed!!! So until this morning, I have been jumproping before the day begins due to baby waking up early and having time before the older boys wake up. It's been really great for me and going well. Then we got the great e-mail from Patrick that said jumproping in the morning before eating anything is the best to burn fat.....perfect!! I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be and it feels great.

But today I got jinxed. The baby slept late, I slept late....the baby slept in, I slept in. See where I'm going with this???? I had no time before leaving for the boys soccer game and now it's afternoon and I haven't jumproped yet. I can't stop thinking about I'm not really sure when to do it! I'm thinking it's going to be before bed so I can soak in the tub afterwards....And although sleeping in (until 8am, yes, that's sleeping in when you have a baby!) feels great, I do think jumping in the morning feels even greater. Will be up early again tomorrow and join the ladies after jumping :)

peanut butter lunch - oh no!

Day 41

Okay, so today I just ran out of time because I was so busy and rushed. I wasn't able to make my usual fancy PCP lunch and ended up in a situation left with no time and no cooked meat. So I went with a peanut butter sandwich- ofcourse it was organic, no added preservative. I didn't know if I should go with this or thought this the best alternative. Hope I didn't shock the system too much! And I can't believe all this happened after I talked about my lightheaded Friday evening at the club. Motto of this more prepared!

Friday, October 17, 2008

"Brown bagging" dinners

Day 40

Yes! Another milestone with that "0"!!! I love counting by 10's...we just hit 40 days! Unbelievable amount of days when you think of all that's constantly working against us in life to get to peak condition. Kids, hubby, social life, TIME, etc., etc.....

I do have to say that I realized I'm going to have to start "brown bagging" my dinners. I was up at the club today way past my usual and didn't have anything for dinner (I did eat my banana before leaving home - about 4 pm). Needless to say....yummy smells were all around. I got home at 9pm and although feeling a bit lightheaded, didn't feel at all like having the eggs (but did anyways!)...didn't feel like chopping an apple (but did anyways!), didn't feel like guzzling milk (but did anyways!). This is life for now.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lunching with PCP style...

Day 39

Thank you Jodi for such a nice lunch today! You were so kind to invite all of us over and also accommodate the diet. It's fun to weigh food with friends :) And so much great conversation. I'm so glad you are my neighbor now!

I am now waiting to my hubby to get back - he's been in the US for nearly 2 weeks...and should walk in the door in the next 30 minutes or so. I better go pick up around the house....or atleast make up the bed!.....yes, good wifey!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Found them!

Day 38

I woke up early this morning and did my jumps and started in on the exercises, but when I got to needing the resistance bands, I couldn't find them. I looked in my usual spot - a tea box on the shelf, but they weren't there. I looked all outdoor sports box, baby's toy box, under the sofa, in the laundry room, in the dogs crate....everywhere....but no luck. I thought the housekeeper must have put them away somewhere (she tidies up, but just ends up stuffing my cupboards/closets with everything). I thought about calling her....but it was just a bit too early. And I was getting frustrated looking.

So..... I moved on to abs and finished my workout, thinking I'd ask the boys when they came down. Well, I forgot, they went to school and I went about my day. This evening, I was sitting on the sofa and asked my son, Deven, if he knew where they were. No luck. And then....out of the corner of my eye...there they were.....hanging off the sliding door to the side of the house. I guess I never took them off after yesterday! Sometimes I seriously think I must be losing my mind!!! And there was a point in the day when the dog was hanging around that door - now I know why! I'm getting started now on the exercises I didn't finish this morning :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Totally forgot!

Day 37

I woke up this morning feeling lightheated and like I was going to throw up. I walked downstairs to get some food in my tummy and when I opened the fridge, I saw 2 boiled eggs sitting there. I turned around and saw an apple and banana in a plate, and carrots on the scale. And that's when it hit me....I totally forgot to eat dinner and my night snack!!!! I can't believe life can get so busy. I guess between the kids and the computer I was otherwise occupied. And I guess this means that my lunch and afternoon snack were so satisfying that I wasn't hungry at all! Feeling fine after yummy!

To vacation or not?

Day 36

It just didn't seem like Monday today....wish I had skipped (no pun intended :)) the parent-teacher conferences and gone to workout with Corry and Maki instead - so much more productive! I just don't find much value in those conferences. I guess it's because I keep close to the teachers all year around and so already know what goes on in the classroom. Oh well...I'm sure I'll be back again next year! Maki - thanks for mail delivery of my diet and exercises.

Ok, so I counted the hours the boys and I spent at the club this weekend....18 hours!! I think I deserve a medal....the boys had a great time fooling around.....and a lot of my time was spent chasing after Jaiden - he's so cute but such a handful! I wonder how many calories are burned per minute of chasing a 1 year old???? I do keep thinking that I want to get away with the family for a weekend or something, but on the other hand, feel nervous about doing so while on PCP. I'd be so challenged for meals (I'm wondering how long will I be on eggs/fruits for dinner?!?!). And exercises. I guess that's why I'm not too upset about not going away for the October break. I don't think this kind of exercising on vacation would be fun.

Ok, so I took a quick look at the exercises this week.....OMG....they are getting funky! Let's see how many of them I can actually do!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hubby "skyped" me today

Day 35

Well, we're 5 weeks into the PCP! Can't believe I've been exercising everyday for 35 days....have never done that before. Also being so careful with diet for such a long time. Today my hubby called on SKYPE with camera from my parents home in California. He said I was looking slimmer and he could see the difference the month + has made. Also he hasn't seen me in a week, so that matters. I'm just glad the camera seemed to be subtracting 10 pounds instead of adding it on like they say in Hollywood:)

Only one problem - was totally starving today at 7pm at the YCAC when family bingo went a little late. I didn't think we were going to stay the entire 2 hours, but the kids were having so much fun and winning too. So I came home, immediately ate my so-called "dinner". Last 2 eggs (just enough for dinner and night snack), last banana, last apple. Looking forward to new diets tomorrow (so curious about changes)....and shopping!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Question of a 9 year old

Day 34

Saturday night again. I didn't have to worry about what to do tonite since hubby is away in the US. Just spent much of the afternoon at the club chatting with friends and chasing the baby around everywhere. I just remembered the days of never being able to finish a conversation with anyone! I stopped off at a friends house, took the kids to McD's for a quick dinner (just for them!) and came home, locked the doors and put the metal blinds down - all safe and sound in our home for the night.

I'm feeling great these days. Healthier and lighter (well, the scale doesn't really reflect this...I'm so mad...hate that thing!). I'm anxious for the next month to pass....I think and hope my body will keep responding positively to the changes. My 9 year old, Rohan, actually spent time with me today, asking me questions about the details of the PCP an how it's going for me. He said he thought I looked good - so sweet! But then he also said "mom, if you don't get to your goal in 90 days, can you keep going?" That was a great question! I told him we'd see what happens at the end and then send Patrick an e-mail about a follow up plan :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ready for a weekend

Day 33

Don't know what happened this morning....but I just couldn't jump very well. It seemed like I could only do about 50 jumps at a time and then my feet would just quit on me. I did manage to stop and start enough times to hit the 1350 (that's 27 times, if I literally did that) ....but it took a while and was a bit disheartening. I thought about why - I was so tired that I kept the boys in bed (yes, with hubby traveling, I seemed to have all 3 in bed with me this morning!) until 7:30, woke them up, hurried to get them ready and had them off to school by 8:15. Then I started jumping....I think my body has set a timer....jump before 7am or don't jump at all. Or, maybe it's just Friday and I'm ready for a weekend with no hurrying off in the morning?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tax Baby

Day 32

My 1 year old baby, Jaiden, sabatoged my dinner tonight. Actually, he gets into everyone's meals. We call him the "tax baby". No matter who you are or what you're eating, he wants a bite of it! You know, just like the tax man....getting a piece of each dollar you earn. We had coined this term for Deven (my now 7 year old) because he used to do the same thing when he was a baby. Well, Jaiden is now doing it....doesn't seem like a big deal, right? WRONG! When you're on the PCP and only have one boiled egg white, an apple and a banana on your plate, you savor each bite....but when the tax baby comes (oh, forgot to tell you...he LOVES boiled eggs, apples and bananas) he takes much more than you are willing to give....and you're left with just 1/2 of your minimal dinner! Lucky for him he's such a cutie!!! Oh yeah, and I put him to sleep before I had my night snack :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Missing my hubby

Day 31

I had a completely unproductive day today. In terms of PCP, all went well....worked out in the morning and carefully planned all meals and snacks. It was just everything else. I just couldn't get my mind into anything....didn't do any chores in the house (also didn't step foot out of the house!)...didn't work on any tea boxes...didn't read my book...didn't try and find out how the US Presidential debate went...didn't want to know about the Nikkei and financial world crisis stuff...didn't go to the bank (I have no cash with me!)...nothing. I just spent the day playing with the baby and the dog, talking to my mom on SKYPE with the video camera on the baby for a long, long time and spending way too much time on Facebook catching up with friends. I think I know why I'm so out of it....I'm missing my hubby! It's weird because I really don't see him much during the week....but he's in the US right now for the next 10 days and I just wish he was here. Oh well. Maybe I'll snap out of this tomorrow, grow up a bit and get something done.....or....maybe not :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Indulgence Ticket": USED!

Day 30

WOW....1/3 of the way through!!!....Has it really been a month since I got into the PCP without even really knowing what it was?!?!?!? And would I have said yes if I knew?!?!?!

Ok, so in celebration of hitting another 10 day milestone, I decided to make use of my "indulgence pass" from Patrick (well, I also was afraid my grace period would be over at some point and the indulgence "ticket" may expire!). SO...I headed down to Motomachi for some therapy shopping (not sure for what - just needed to spend some cash!)...and right into Starbucks and ordered my Tall Carmel Frappuccino without any guilt :). Their description: A decadent treat of buttery caramel combined with Starbucks® coffees and milk, blended with ice, topped with whipped cream and a swirl of caramel sauce. How could I not?

Okay, enough's the damage:

Serving Size 12 fl. oz.

Amt Per Serving

Calories 300

Fat Calories 100

Total Fat (g) 11

Saturated Fat (g) 7

Trans Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 40

Sodium (mg) 190

Total Carbohydrates (g) 46

Fiber (g) 0

Sugars (g) 39

Protein (g) 4

Vitamin A 8%

Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 15%

Iron 0%

Caffeine (mg) 85

Did you see the amount of fat, sodium and sugar?!?!? OMG!

SO, yes, I satisfied my craving...but guess what? I felt it becoming a bit too sweet 2/3 of the way through and by the end of the glass, I had so much sugar in my system that I felt like I was going to puke.....I did have a question about that - if I did throw up....could I indulge in something else instead? :)) ha ha...just kidding!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Jump routine

Day 29

Great workout this morning. Sorry ladies that I've been showing up having already done my jumps. I just get up so early with the baby that if I'm just sitting around playing with him, I feel like I should be jumping. We have our routine.....after getting out of bed, we close all the bedroom doors....quickly check e-mails incase of news from over seas....check on the dog who has no intention of getting up goes in the playpen (or his "new thing" is watching TV, so sometimes I pop in a DVD and he sits on the sofa ) and I jump. Also, I feel that jumping in the morning is best for me - before I've eaten anything. And it feels great to eat after that. Today I jumped with no shoes on....except for a few bruised toes, I think it went very well. I was a bit surprised (disappointed maybe?) to see that we had the same number of jumps as yesterday....that's ok, I'm sure we'll get hit with something soon....actually we did today....all those leg exercises! Can't wait for tomorrow.....right now, I'm wishing I had a one story home :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Day 28

I woke up with a headache today. Hasn't gone away all day, so I've been kind of a nasty wife and mommy. I don't usually get them, so I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep (only 6 hours last night - yikes!) or the lack of water yesterday (I try for my 8 glasses a day, but somehow I think I only managed a couple yesterday - not good!), or better yet, it must be a combination of both of those. Well, I am glad the day is are asleep, hubby is on a plane to US (miss him already), dog has been taken out and in his crate..... and now I'm going to go sit on the sofa, listen to the rain outside, eat my veggies and fruits and read my book for a while...and get into bed early so I'm well rested for day 29....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday night at YCAC

Day 27

Tonight was not a usual Saturday night. Usually, our nanny comes in at 6:30 and my husband and I head out to check out something, somewhere, with someone, or by ourselves and talk, drink and have a good meal. WELL.....tonight was totally different.....since I'm on egg whites, fruits and milk (which is not usually served for dinner by any restaurant I know!), I cancelled our nanny and we headed to the YCAC for sports and kids dinner. Turned out great for the boys - the older ones fooled around with friends and then played soccer with Dad....while the baby just enjoyed all the interaction and attention he always gets. We came home and the two younger ones went straight to bed and my oldest is still up watching Arsenal FC (family favorite team) play. Jane was there at the club too....with her hubby and a similar situation with finding it a bit challenging to go out for dinner - Saturday night not as usual! Well, I just counted, and we have 9 more Saturday nights to!...I say we start planning the 10th!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Complaint

Day 26

Yes, I have a complaint :(

I am really loving the PCP program....especially the exercise routine because I can get it all done in the morning and be done for the day....and I don't have to go anywhere because it's all doable by myself in the privacy of my own home....except for the pull-ups!! I'm having a hard time finding the right table, bed, bar to get them done...and I don't like to do them out of the routine (when I'm done working out, I'm DONE!). And so on those days (like this morning) I just end up doing the pull-downs instead. I do feel like I'm working the right muscles, but I just feel like I should be doing pull-ups!!!! (which, by the way, I can't even properly do anyways...yet!:)) AARGH!

Resisting Temptation....

Day 25

What a day!!! Let me tell....

Phase I: I had a coffee morning at my home for my son's 4th grade class....12 moms....bringing yummy goodies along with the goodies I didn't phase me at all as I was trying to be the "hostest with the mostest" and just had a minute to nibble...grapes - perfect for my morning snack.

Phase II: Lunch at a friends house....we had been planning for so long to get together....and the stars finally aligned. I took note of my portions and made sure I got my diet satisfied....didn't go for more or less...just perfect! No dessert problem.

Phase III: Neighbors birthday bash....the invite was to come over for coffe, cake and other sweets....OMG....there was carrot cake, cheese cake, chocolate cake, stuffed pastry, quiche, cookies....and....not to mention wine! Everyone was trying everything...mmmmm...I looked at my watch - afternoon tea time - FRUIT!! But there was no fruit!!! So I had a diet coke, nibbled on a couple of nuts, and put just a morsel - just the corner or a piece - of fudge on my tongue to taste (I love her put it in perspective...on a normal day....I'd have eaten atleast 5 full pieces - or more!!) and spent the rest of the time proud of myself....until ofcourse I came home, read my e-mail and realized I could have had my indulgence....silly me....I may have to ask her tomorrow if there is more fudge....or maybe cheesecake....or else I may go for a walk down to Motomachi for a carmel frappaccino with whip cream....better check on the calories first!

So, that was my day....feeling so good about resisting temptation...but ofcourse......after being around food all day, I came home and didn't feel like cooking so made the entire family eat eggs and apples for dinner :)....oh....but I did let the boys have their jam sandwiches!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OUCH - that hurt!

Day 24

Woke up late this slept't get all the exercises done before everyone came down for breakfast.  So, the baby was out of his playpen and while I was using the bands for exercises, he opened the door.....OUCH!   That think came right back at me and smacked me in the arm....note to self:  put baby in the playpen OR use a door that locks!

I loved doing the new ab exercise....the "plank".  I was seriously working my body and could feel the drops of sweat run down my it!  I am also loving the new jumprope  (thanks Maki)'s taking me a while to get used to it, but it is much lighter in weight and more has the jump counter so I don't have to think too much.  I love watching that number go higher....higher....higher!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tomatoes - vegetable or fruit????

Day 23

Okay, so I hit quite a revelation when talking to a tomato a vegetable or a fruit.....I say vegetable....she says fruit!!  I tried googling it, but there is so much controversy that I thought I should throw the question back to Chen and terms of PCP diet.....what is it???  I'm popping these cherry tomatoes in whenever I can to add grams.....just need to make sure I'm dong it in the right place!

Breakfast for dinner

Day 22

It's a new week and a new diet....I'm very excited to see that my dinner meal has turned into a breakfast diet. I'm off the meat protein and stack of veggies.....instead am now having egg whites, a banana, an apple and milk for dinner. Well, ironically, my husband called to say he was on his way home, and that he would eat the same PCP meal as I was going to eat today. My oldest son who answered the phone laughed a bit and then read my dinner meal to my husband...appearantly neither of them thought it sounded like a dinner should be a breakfast meal! I'm happy, I was getting quite tired of all the meat. Let's see how this week goes!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

1000 jumps: COMPLETE

Day 21

Three weeks into the program and 1000 jumps a great buildup.....I started not knowing anything about jumping (except for what I remembered from 6th grade:)), and with just 250 at a time....I must say, I've come a long way baby!

Looking forward to a cool and relaxing Sunday.....I love autumn!

See that zero?

Day 20

Yes!  That zero on the end of 20 shows me's like when I'm counting my jumps....every zero means I've finished another ten....always a milestone in life....can't wait for tomorrow....1000 jumps....that's a lot of zeros!!!  I can do it......20 days in and 70 to go....2/9 of the way through the program and feeling great...!!!

We went to the YIS BBQ tonight....yummy and great socializing...but I do know that Jane and I were "being watched".....Patrick - did you send Chen to keep an eye on us?   Actually.....Corry was there too....ok..."big brother" and "big sister" are watching!!!  Well, I think we did pretty well....and the hubbies were very supportive....until ofcourse they went and got seconds on meals and then ate dessert right in front of us...just hope the pounds don't go from one spouse to the next....they are definitely something we DON'T want to keep in the family....great candidates for the session 3 of Yokohama PCP!

Wish me luck with 1000 jumps in the a.m....will let you know how it goes!!

Friday Funtime

Day 19

So, today I took the baby, Jaiden, to a playgroup at YCAC - Friday Funtime.  Haven't been to one in years since the kids are so far apart....but it was so much fun to socialize with other mommies and watch the kids interact.  I've been thinking that he gets so much interaction at home with having older brothers, but this was good for him (and I had forgotten some of the a great review for me)!  Will definitely be there on Friday's from now on. 

 I ended up staying  for lunch.  Great idea and really fun, but as always a bit challenging (whether on PCP or not....the Breezeway leaves much to be desired :)).  Well, Maki was with me and we decided to go with a cezar salad with chicken (with lemon, not dressing!)  and add in an extra side of rice for the carbs.  And then....the cutest thing....Maki pulled out her scale weighed the chicken and then brought out some salmon she cooked at home and put some on my plate to make the grams needed!  I didn't even think of doing that.  Thanks Maki!!  It's so fun doing this with you......

Thursday, September 25, 2008

International Lunch

Day 18

So, today was Deven's (my 2nd graders) International Lunch.  I was very impressed by my son and his classmates...they are so cute when they get that microphone in their hands!!  But I was really quite upset about a few things....first of all....where are the elevators?!?!?  I can't believe you can have a kids school with only stairs to get up to the auditorium.  Are we supposed to have only one child and not have any more babies?  Crazy.  Well, atleast the exercise of carrying the baby up the stairs in the stroller must have worked some important muscles!

But let me tell you what was an International School as prestigous as YIS....they hold an international lunch every year around the time of the Muslim celebration of Ramadan. Muslim families do not eat during the day- they only eat after sunset.  There is a boy in my son's class who is not eating.  I am not Muslim, but I felt so miserable for his family.  His father and 2 sisters were there, his mother (who had cooked for everyone else....and put the cutest little Malaysian flags in each scoop of rice) was there....and everyone ate....but them.  Well not exactly....I didn't eat either....I felt so bad for I fed my baby and went home for my PCP-friendly meal.  I hope they had a nice dinner.   I may have to write a letter to the school suggesting they hold this lunch later in the year...what do you think? 

Too much food

Day 17 today I just got to a point where I couldn't finish my meals!  Not sure if it's because my body is actually full, or it's my cooking....ha ha.  But seriously, these amounts are enormous....the lesson I am learning....more calories in the morning and less in the evening.  Maybe I'll look into some new foods....wish I was back in the US where I could actually read labels!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Napped and rested...

Day 16

Ok, so baby woke up at 5:30 am this morning!!!!  Well, all I could think was "go jump, go jump, go jump".  So I did.  All done and showered before 7am.  This is what I like....having a book to open, going through the steps and feeling good about it the rest of the day.  Before starting PCP I would have to think so much about what my 'exercise for the day' was going to be.  Now it's so set that I wouldn't change it even if I could.  Ofcourse at about 1:30pm was exhausted from being up so early and lay down to read, fell asleep, and then woke up at 3:30pm, thinking to myself "OMG....I missed the kids pickup at 3pm?!?!?!".  Well, lucky for the nanny who was on the ball and went straight to school when she realized I was very, very relaxed....and totally asleep!  Hubby home today because of a Japanese holiday and so now we are headed to go out and play on the street and enjoy the cooling weather.  Bye!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Nuts, Seeds or Cheese?

Day 15
Great morning working out with the much support, sweat and gossip!
But we talked about food....and I really got to thinking about the nuts, seeds and cheese that I am missing...these three foods were my "pre-PCP" snacks and I am really missing them both.  Patrick - anywhere to squeeze them in....any of them....any 'kind' of them....any 'amount' of any 'kind' of them????  And be honest - don't let my cravings blow this for me!!  I will survive :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rain, rain go away....

Day 14
It is pouring rain outside!!!  We went out to the YCAC International Food fair this morning....and got totally drenched by the end.  Kids are now busy with friends, baby asleep on my bed and hubby asleep on the quiet....and peaceful.   

I had a surprise this morning....lots of energy (Corry....did you put something in my drink?  By the way, I'm so glad I left early....did you hear?....I found out this morning that there were 4 drunk naked grown men in the pool at 2am....yikes!) Anyways....after a late night and then waking up to baby talk at 6:15 am, I was able to jump, jump, jump like I never had before!!  So exciting to know that practice does make perfect (or atleast gets us going in that direction).  I can now go 100 jumps without stopping most times.  Hope this burst continues.   I have to say I did miss the rest of the exercises....I guess I've just gotten used to doing them...but that being said, a day off is nice.  

I'm thinking I need to start planning dinner....that BBQ won't work for tonight because of the rain :(

It's Saturday night!!!

Day 13:  It's Saturday night...the sitter came.... and my hubby and I go out for a while...I did my best with veggies and meat at dinner at Wolfgang Pucks (no fruit....have to have that when I get home) and then off to the good old YCAC Bar to say goodbye to a good friend leaving Japan tomorrow.  I'm sitting there just letting the chu-hi tease my lips (trust me....I didn't drink much at all)  as guess who walks in....Corry and James!!!  I'm so thrilled to see her....she looks totally great and, more importantly, totally happy:).  So much fun chatting....and nice to be with the hubbies....they haven't met much.  Although the night is young, we say  our "goodbye's" and head home...ofcourse the conversation in the car is all about PCP and Corry....why's all good!!

Looking forward to 800 jumps in the morning....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I love sleep!!

Day 12:  Ok, so I woke up to some surprising information....I need 8 hours of sleep!!  Yes, Patrick, I have been trying to get those hours in for the last 9 years (actually more - I used to be a stock broker  in SF....single and partying late....waking up early to get to work at 6am)....9 years because of the kids!!  Pick your battles they say....well I didn't pick the "sleep" one and now am regretting it.  Was doing better until baby it's hopeless.  Kids in bed by 9:30pm, dishes, reading 10:30pm, and then chatting with my hubby until almost is up at 6am!  YIKES!!  Yes, I will we also repair muscles while napping....although not a napper....I could force myself:)  when the baby naps....

Believe me...if I could actually have 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep I'd be in heaven...

Getting creative

Day 11:  Exercises:  check.....I know what I have to do and just do it!......Diet:  ?!?!?!  Breakfast - no problem - I love eggs and drinking milk.  And I love making my eggs with milk (scrambled). cold off lettuce and cabbage (uncooked) with anything (especially left over dinner meat like salmon from last night)  and I am satisfied.  Dinner....last meal of the day and so it should be nice and I just didn't know what to do until I got creative......I charred a chicken breast (because that's what happens when you don't put oil!)....used my food chopper (love it!) to chop some broccoli and through in the pan with the chicken, some peas, lemon juice and celentro....yummy!   The baby tried it...he loved 9 year old tried it....he liked it....and my 7 year old  thought it looked pretty...but didn't open his mouth.  I was happy.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good news....not so good news

Day 10 - Well....the good news.... I made very tasty wheat bread loaf today....done cooking right at 6:30 and served it for the hubby and kids with salmon and veggies.  And then the "not so good news"....I ate a small piece....totally by mistake as I'm not supposed to have carbs for dinner!!  I think the smell of fresh cooked bread clouded my senses and I forgot all about anything else.  I did weigh a similar sized piece to survey the damage - 36g.  Hopefully not too detrimental to all I've been working towards!  Well, off to bed and looking forward to a well deserved piece of bread in the morning :)  Night all!

Monday, September 15, 2008

What to eat....

Day 8 - Wow...I love week 2...I like the idea of a prescribed I really know what I was eating wrong.   Spent 5+ hours at the YCAC with hubby and the kids...and I took my lunch.  I was waiting for someone to come by and scold me for bringing food in and I was so ready to give them a piece of my healthy mind....but no one came over....they must have thought I was nibbling on the baby's food (which, before last week, I would have been!).  The only part of PCP I don't like so far is the weigh in every week.  I haven't stepped on a scale in a long time - don't believe in them:)  Just want to feel good about how I look and want to make sure I always fit into my favorite pair of blue jeans!  Counting up the last baby pounds and my 2 1/2 month California vacation are ugly :(

Day 9 - Kids are off of school today and busy with friends....the baby is playing with the nanny....think I'll go take a drive....maybe look for some wheat carbs to buy (wish I was in the US where I'd just walk into Trader Joes!).  It's been a long time since I've actually cared since I was eating so lo carb anyways....but sounds like a good thing to do.  I am sore from yesterday....thought I wasn't doing much work with Corry assisting on the pullup bar.....boy....was I wrong!!  What a great pain....give me more! 

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week One: Complete!

Day 6:  Does it count to do ab exercises with a baby sitting on your tummy??  It was just about the only way I could get them done today :)  Went out to Benny's for dinner with the kids - shared a steak sandwich with Deven.....and drank 1/2 a grapefruit juice.....and then had only a few bites of vanilla ice-cream...yummy...don't think I'll be having any next week!!

Day 7:  Feels like forever....500 jumps....especially when the kids are counting and then the baby is dancing to the sound of the rope and everyone is laughing at him (including me!).  The jumps are getting easier, but still not able to get 100 done without stopping....the most I did in a row was 70.  I'm sure I'll have lots of practice next week!  Good-bye week one....looking forward to meeting the ladies in the morning to get started on week two.  Good night!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Am I really a morning person?

Day 4 - Thanks for the call Jodi.....walking to Red Brick Wearhouse....sharing a sandwich (I didn't even miss the other half!)...drinking a diet coke!!!!...walking to Homes to buy a food scale.....and then walking back to Yamate....never done by me before....actually, I haven't used my car in two days....sshhh....don't tell anyone :)

Day 5 - Hence the title of this blog....I've NEVER been a morning person.  I skipped all my morning classes in college, called in sick many mornings when working as a stockbroker in San Francisco (stock market opens at 9:30am in NYC...which means 6:30am in SF!!) and stumbled through early mornings with all three kids.  Today I overslept until 7:30 which meant no workout in the morning so I had to teach classes and then make some calls to the US and finally started jump roping at 2pm....did not like it at all!  I'm setting my alarm tomorrow and getting all of this done in the does this mean I'm really a morning person?!?!?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Diet Coke Craving

Day 3 - I'm totally craving a diet coke...not sure if I'm allowed?!?! I did decide to give it up for the 90 days. May not make it. Wow, thought I'd last longer without..(I'm usually into a couple cans a day!). I'll go and squeeze another lemon into water and try to quench the feeling.... Aargh!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Entering "Blogger World"!

Yes, I have decided to enter the "blogger world"! And with that I begin my journey with the Peak Condition Project. Notes for the first few days are on here goes getting them in print....

Day 1 - Anxious....hate having my picture taken! But looking forward to working out with the other ladies in the yoga center every calming. I'll do just about anything if I have company....this is an amazing group of ladies with whom to begin this 90-day trek. The hour we spent together sitting outside of Starbucks after the 1st exercise session....Jane, Maki, Jodi....thanks for the great support and always interesting conversation - about anything and everything. And ofcourse to Corry....thanks for a start....keep smiling you sexy mama!!

Day 2 - Jaiden (my 1 year old) is up at 6am. I am not a morning person and would have loved to curl back under the covers....but guess what? I got up to exercise!!! All done by 7am. Perfect. Sent kids off to school, taught a tea box class and went to lunch - ate a half asian salad at TGIF...yummy (oh no! I should have had half of the half...I usually get the half anyways! oops!) Kids in bed early and feeling healthy.... an egg and 1/2 banana for dinner....trying to get into bed early today...oh no... it's already 10pm.