Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rain, rain go away....

Day 14
It is pouring rain outside!!!  We went out to the YCAC International Food fair this morning....and got totally drenched by the end.  Kids are now busy with friends, baby asleep on my bed and hubby asleep on the quiet....and peaceful.   

I had a surprise this morning....lots of energy (Corry....did you put something in my drink?  By the way, I'm so glad I left early....did you hear?....I found out this morning that there were 4 drunk naked grown men in the pool at 2am....yikes!) Anyways....after a late night and then waking up to baby talk at 6:15 am, I was able to jump, jump, jump like I never had before!!  So exciting to know that practice does make perfect (or atleast gets us going in that direction).  I can now go 100 jumps without stopping most times.  Hope this burst continues.   I have to say I did miss the rest of the exercises....I guess I've just gotten used to doing them...but that being said, a day off is nice.  

I'm thinking I need to start planning dinner....that BBQ won't work for tonight because of the rain :(


Corry said...

YEAH, love that energy kick, it's such a sweet thing, especially as a mom. Once mine kicked in it never really went away nice. See you in the morning.

Amy said...

100 will feel like nothing after a while! You are just beginning to hit your stride! Keep it up!