Monday, September 22, 2008

Nuts, Seeds or Cheese?

Day 15
Great morning working out with the much support, sweat and gossip!
But we talked about food....and I really got to thinking about the nuts, seeds and cheese that I am missing...these three foods were my "pre-PCP" snacks and I am really missing them both.  Patrick - anywhere to squeeze them in....any of them....any 'kind' of them....any 'amount' of any 'kind' of them????  And be honest - don't let my cravings blow this for me!!  I will survive :)


maki said...

Ha ha! I sense desperation?! Hmm, I'm wondering too. I'd love to have some cheese with my bread if we are allowed some. (OK, not cottage cheese but...)

Jane said...

I guess cheese is out then. Had an egg sandwich this morning, with a delicate sprinkling of pepper -delicious!

Corry said...

yeah, I stayed clear of hard cheese (cottage cheese is yum mixed with tuna for lunch)and nuts (I've never been able to do 'just a few' with nuts very well)-but took to sprinkling pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds on my veg and salads, I REALLY like that crunchy texture!!!

Munisha said...

Ok....looks like we'll make it through with little bits of stuff - just enough to satisfy the craving. I've never bought cottage cheese here....wonder what it's like....will try it tomorrow.