Monday, October 6, 2008

Jump routine

Day 29

Great workout this morning. Sorry ladies that I've been showing up having already done my jumps. I just get up so early with the baby that if I'm just sitting around playing with him, I feel like I should be jumping. We have our routine.....after getting out of bed, we close all the bedroom doors....quickly check e-mails incase of news from over seas....check on the dog who has no intention of getting up goes in the playpen (or his "new thing" is watching TV, so sometimes I pop in a DVD and he sits on the sofa ) and I jump. Also, I feel that jumping in the morning is best for me - before I've eaten anything. And it feels great to eat after that. Today I jumped with no shoes on....except for a few bruised toes, I think it went very well. I was a bit surprised (disappointed maybe?) to see that we had the same number of jumps as yesterday....that's ok, I'm sure we'll get hit with something soon....actually we did today....all those leg exercises! Can't wait for tomorrow.....right now, I'm wishing I had a one story home :)

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Jump with shoes on! You'll mess up your foot tendons if you don't!

In a few weeks you'll have more jumps than you know what to do with.

And you can jump twice in a day if you like, but that's about the max. Great job Munisha!