Friday, October 31, 2008


Day 54

Halloween. I've always loved this day. I still love this day. Right from the costumes to the the CANDY! Well, Japan is lacking in all of the above for me. I had had an opportunity to take the kids to Negishi base to trick or treat like last year - beautiful decorations....lots of kids dressed up....lots of homes to visit....and lots of yummy candy!!! But....I said "no" this year. I just couldn't bring myself to that level of temptation.....and my weakness - recess peanut butter cups! (I spent the summer in the US - bought them whenever and whereever I saw know, with the excuse that I can't usually get them in Japan - what a body disaster!) We would have gotten plenty of them at, I just stayed away (and now I owe my son, Deven, a trip to the base to pick whatever candies he wants!).

So, as I managed to be so healthy with Halloween candy, I feel as though I lost it with cigarette smoke today.....NO! not me, but those around me. I spent a few hours at Benny's with a friend visiting from Thailand - just enough time to make me sick of all the disgusting smoking around me - I actually left my hubby with the guys and came home - couldn't take it anymore. Wish I were back in Cali where smoking isn't allowed in bars! Oh well....better take a shower before I crawl into bed with the hair smells awful!


maki said...

Recess Buttercups.... oooh, yum. I love Recess pieces too - I always thought E.T. had good taste in candy!

Jodi said...

A friend just gave me a giant bag of Reeses peanut butter cups. They are my biggest weakness. I'll save some for the first day after PCP for you two. That will keep me from eating them all.

Patrick said...

Yeah the public smoking is my least favorite thing about Japan. I wish they'd figure out the whole "second-hand smoke is carcinogenic" thing over here.