Saturday, October 18, 2008

I got jinxed!

Day 42

6 weeks....1 1/2!!

So guess what....I think I got jinxed!!! So until this morning, I have been jumproping before the day begins due to baby waking up early and having time before the older boys wake up. It's been really great for me and going well. Then we got the great e-mail from Patrick that said jumproping in the morning before eating anything is the best to burn fat.....perfect!! I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be and it feels great.

But today I got jinxed. The baby slept late, I slept late....the baby slept in, I slept in. See where I'm going with this???? I had no time before leaving for the boys soccer game and now it's afternoon and I haven't jumproped yet. I can't stop thinking about I'm not really sure when to do it! I'm thinking it's going to be before bed so I can soak in the tub afterwards....And although sleeping in (until 8am, yes, that's sleeping in when you have a baby!) feels great, I do think jumping in the morning feels even greater. Will be up early again tomorrow and join the ladies after jumping :)

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