Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Entering "Blogger World"!

Yes, I have decided to enter the "blogger world"! And with that I begin my journey with the Peak Condition Project. Notes for the first few days are on paper...so here goes getting them in print....

Day 1 - Anxious....hate having my picture taken! But looking forward to working out with the other ladies in the yoga center every Monday....so calming. I'll do just about anything if I have company....this is an amazing group of ladies with whom to begin this 90-day trek. The hour we spent together sitting outside of Starbucks after the 1st exercise session....Jane, Maki, Jodi....thanks for the great support and always interesting conversation - about anything and everything. And ofcourse to Corry....thanks for a start....keep smiling you sexy mama!!

Day 2 - Jaiden (my 1 year old) is up at 6am. I am not a morning person and would have loved to curl back under the covers....but guess what? I got up to exercise!!! All done by 7am. Perfect. Sent kids off to school, taught a tea box class and went to lunch - ate a half asian salad at TGIF...yummy (oh no! I should have had half of the half...I usually get the half anyways! oops!) Kids in bed early and feeling healthy.... an egg and 1/2 banana for dinner....trying to get into bed early today...oh no... it's already 10pm.


Corry said...

Hey girl, you are a natural blogger, so fun to read your 'bits' and I want to wish you ALLLLLLL the success on this journey you are taking. I support you all the way and look forward to the days ahead!!!

Munisha said...

Thanks for the compliment....hey if I can update my status on facebook for all to see.....why not the web....just a few more people :)
See ya next Monday.