I was out at Machida market today. Fun time chatting with the ladies and checking out the junk. Bought some of it.....one man's junk is another man's treasure....or something like that. I already don't like an item I bought today....oh well....maybe I'll try and sell it off at the next rummage sale!
I cheated a bit today. Bought marshmellows for the kids.....with the intent on making rice krispies treats, but when I got home, the boys opened them up just to eat and I ate a few (4 to be exact). Don't know what got into me. Feeling really guilty now. I just needed to have some sugar. I heard today that the Coke Zero (the black labeled one) supposedly has stuff in it to make people crave sugar. I had some after lunch. Could that be the culprit of my craving for the marshmellows? I need to do some research on that. I'm still bummed that Coke Light is so darn hard to find here. Maybe I'll go to OK market and have them order me a case (it's the only place I see it sometimes) - not that I'm drinking a lot, it's just not always on the shelves. You know, hunting and gathering....it's how we shop in Japan!
I am craving for sugar too - and I know it's got to do with our "cycle". My diet is all over the place at the moment and getting me down - I need to focus.. focus... focus...
I don't think coke zero makes me crave sugar, ,thank goodness. I have been off sugar since the PCP and had a few coke zeros now and then. I crave SALTY stuff now.
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